Balakrishnan N The Art of Progressive Censoring to Reliability Quality 2014 | 68.68 MB
Title: The Art of Progressive Censoring
Author: N. Balakrishnan
This monograph offers a thorough and updated guide to the theory and methods of progressive censoring, an area that has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. Progressive censoring, originally proposed in the 1950s, is an efficient method of handling samples from industrial experiments involving lifetimes of units that have either failed or censored in a progressive fashion during the life test, with many practical applications to reliability and quality.
Key topics and features:Data sets from the literature as well as newly simulated data sets are used to illustrate concepts throughout the text
Emphasis on real-life applications to life testing, reliability, and quality control
Discussion of parametric and nonparametric inference
Coverage of experimental design with optimal progressive censoring
The Art of Progressive Censoring is a valuable reference for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners inapplied statistics, quality control, life testing, and reliability. With its accessible style and concrete examples, the work may also be used as a textbook in advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate courses on censoring or progressive censoring, as well as a supplementary textbook for a course on ordered data.
This monograph offers a thorough and updated guide to the theory and methods of progressive censoring, an area that has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. Progressive censoring, originally proposed in the 1950s, is an efficient method of handling samples from industrial experiments involving lifetimes of units that have either failed or censored in a progressive fashion during the life test, with many practical applications to reliability and quality.
Key topics and features:
The Art of Progressive Censoring is a valuable reference for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners inapplied statistics, quality control, life testing, and reliability. With its accessible style and concrete examples, the work may also be used as a textbook in advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate courses on censoring or progressive censoring, as well as a supplementary textbook for a course on ordered data.