[fantasy] Rise of the Last Summoner 2 A LitRPG Fantasy by Todd Herzman | 822.91 KB
Title: Rise of the Last Summoner 2: A LitRPG Fantasy
Author: Todd Herzman
First Edition thus, First Printing.New York: Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, 1952. Vol. 1, No. 1. A near fine copy in original wrappers. Other than Chandler’s "A classic novel", contributions include Walter M. Miller, Jr.’s "Six And Ten Are Johnny" – Sam Martinez’s "For Heaven’s Sake" – Paul W. Fairman’s "Someday They’ll Give Us Guns" – H. B. Hickey’s "Full Circle" – Louise Lee Outlaw’s "The Runaway" – Kris Neville’s "The Opal Necklace" – Ray Bradbury’s "The Smile" – H. L. Gold’s "And Three To Get Ready" – Isaac Asimov’s "What If".
The magazine also contains some biographical material on Chandler. The story, which is rather well illustrated, is introduced with: "To our knowledge, Professor Bingo’s Snuff is Mr. Chandlers second – and longest-fantasy. It will not at all surprise you that his talent brings added luster to the field." The story was first published in three installments in: Park East, June-July 1951, and also in: Go, June-July 1951. Joe Pettigrew grows tired of his wife Gladys cheating on him with their lodger Porter Green. With the help of some magical stuff which he buys from Professor Bingo he becomes invisible. Next Pettigrew creates the perfect locked-room murder. However, the police have serious doubts and in the end shoot Pettigrew when he tries to escape.
First Edition thus, First Printing.New York: Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, 1952. Vol. 1, No. 1. A near fine copy in original wrappers. Other than Chandler’s "A classic novel", contributions include Walter M. Miller, Jr.’s "Six And Ten Are Johnny" – Sam Martinez’s "For Heaven’s Sake" – Paul W. Fairman’s "Someday They’ll Give Us Guns" – H. B. Hickey’s "Full Circle" – Louise Lee Outlaw’s "The Runaway" – Kris Neville’s "The Opal Necklace" – Ray Bradbury’s "The Smile" – H. L. Gold’s "And Three To Get Ready" – Isaac Asimov’s "What If".
The magazine also contains some biographical material on Chandler. The story, which is rather well illustrated, is introduced with: "To our knowledge, Professor Bingo’s Snuff is Mr. Chandlers second – and longest-fantasy. It will not at all surprise you that his talent brings added luster to the field." The story was first published in three installments in: Park East, June-July 1951, and also in: Go, June-July 1951. Joe Pettigrew grows tired of his wife Gladys cheating on him with their lodger Porter Green. With the help of some magical stuff which he buys from Professor Bingo he becomes invisible. Next Pettigrew creates the perfect locked-room murder. However, the police have serious doubts and in the end shoot Pettigrew when he tries to escape.
Cover: Fantastic, Summer 1952 by Barye Phillips and Leo Summers [as by Barye Phillips and Leo Ramon Summers]
Editor: Howard Browne
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