Higher Purpose – How To Find More Inspiration – Meaning – And Purpose In Your Life | 1.49 MB
Title: Higher Purpose: How to Find More Inspiration, Meaning, and Purpose in Your Life
Author: Robert Holden
In Higher Purpose, Holden takes readers on an epic journey of self-discovery that includes the hero’s journey with Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung’s work on true vocation, Victor Frankl’s search for meaning, a pilgrimage with St. Francis of Assisi, the poetry of Wordsworth and Rilke, and much more.
In Higher Purpose, Holden takes readers on an epic journey of self-discovery that includes the hero’s journey with Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung’s work on true vocation, Victor Frankl’s search for meaning, a pilgrimage with St. Francis of Assisi, the poetry of Wordsworth and Rilke, and much more.