Schwoeble A Current Methods in Forensic Gunshot Residue Analysis 2000 | 4.91 MB
171 Pages
Title: Current Methods in Forensic Gunshot Residue Analysis / Edition 1
Author: A.J. Schwoeble and David L. Exline
With the ever-spreading problem of violent crime in today’s society, techniques to assist forensic scientists and other law enforcement personnel have come to the forefront. With improvement in collection methods and analytical tools to conduct more thorough analyses, gunshot residue examination has made a dramatic impact as an area of trace evidence that is essential in the investigation and prosecution of violent crime.
Current Methods in Forensic Gunshot Residue Analysis deals with major areas of gunshot residue analysis such as current and future methods of analysis, collection techniques, interpretation of evidence as well as expert testimony and report writing.
This text is a necessity for any forensic scientist conducting this type of analysis and all other law enforcement personnel, academia, and lawyers involved in the investigation and prosecution of violent crimes involving firearms.