[sci-fi] Accidental Time Travelling Coeds by Marilyn Foxworthy | 364.7 KB
Title: Accidental Time Traveling Coeds
Author: Foxworthy, Marilyn, Coltrane, Jack
The idea for The Accidental Time Traveller came to me when I was thinking of how long adolescence seems to last these days. Many young men in their twenties, or even thirties, still act like teenagers, without any sense of responsibility. Not much more than a generation ago, men of their age would be grown ups, smoke pipes, have sheds.
Young women, meanwhile, are much more independent, are used to their freedom and aren’t going to give that up lightly.
How would they cope if they were back in the 1950s, when young men really were grown up at 21 and sex at 16 invariably meant a wedding and a baby at 17 and precious little chance of a career? What if.?
I was still a child in the 1950s but have very clear memories of how utterly different attitudes were to sex and marriage.
The past was not so much another country, more another planet.
Those make do and mend attitudes of wartime Britain still lingered too. Nothing was wasted, thrift was second nature. You repaired, re-used, recycled because there wasn’t much alternative. Life was much more basic: many of my school friends lived in houses with no electricity, no indoor plumbing.
But at the same time, there was a feeling of excitement, of change in the air. We were New Elizabethans, which sounded wonderful. My family had a television, a fridge and a Morris Minor – luxury! And my big sister went on holiday to Spain, which was just so unbelievably glamorous and exciting that I could go into my primary school class of 45 pupils and bask in her reflected glory for weeks.
For me, in my plaits, Startrite sandals and hand-knitted jumpers, life was very safe and secure. And there were lots of things about life in the 1950s that were probably better than now. But there was an awful lot that wasn’t.