[sci-fi] Codespell, WebMage (03) by Kelly McCullough | 294.08 KB
Title: Codespell
Author: Kelly McCullough
In Cybermancy (2007), Ravirn, grandson of the fate Lachesis and the muse Thalia, got blown to chaos and recreated as a more powerful demigod. He also made an immortal enemy of Hades. Now, coming to terms with his new status and staying out of his enemies’ way, he attracts trouble by taking on, however reluctantly, the job of ridding Necessity, the sentient computer that runs the universe, of a virus. Repair completed, he will, for a moment, run the universe and be able to change anything. Some very unpleasant beings want to bring him to that point and then dispose of him. McCullough balances the seriousness and the slapstick nearly perfectly. –Frieda Murray
Product Description
The universe needs a reboot…
In the twenty-first century magic has gone digital, and Ravirn, a direct descendant of one of the three Fates, is a talented sorcerer and computer hacker extraordinaire. So when Necessity, the sentient computer that runs the universe, catches a virus that crashes most of the magical Internet, Ravirn is tasked with fixing it. Whoever repairs Necessity will, for that moment, run the universe. Unfortunately for the sorcerer, some very dangerous beings have figured that out too.