Yang J The Inter-Satellite Link Theory and Technology 2025 | 38.08 MB
Title: The Inter-Satellite Link : Theory and Technology
Author: Jun Yang
Meet the Zoromes, who inspired Asimov’s own characterization of his positronic robots. After spending forty million years in suspended animation while his one-man ship circles twenty thousand miles from earth, Professor Jameson awakes to discover humanity has perished and he is the only one left alive. Then he meets the Zoromes, highly advanced intellects, who have transferred their minds into near immortal metal bodies, roaming the universe in search of strange worlds and high adventure. Soon the Professor has been persuaded to accompany them in a metal body of his own.
Meet the Zoromes, who inspired Asimov’s own characterization of his positronic robots. After spending forty million years in suspended animation while his one-man ship circles twenty thousand miles from earth, Professor Jameson awakes to discover humanity has perished and he is the only one left alive. Then he meets the Zoromes, highly advanced intellects, who have transferred their minds into near immortal metal bodies, roaming the universe in search of strange worlds and high adventure. Soon the Professor has been persuaded to accompany them in a metal body of his own.